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Learn the correct kicking mechanics or get left behind.

Recently I was at a local soccer tournament. Ten fields at least I would say. Under 12 age group. The first thing I noticed was all the players were athletic, so I would suggest these players were selected because they were in the higher end of growth development. The parent cheered as the players tried hard to kick the ball towards the opponents goal. 

So here is the issue, for all the games I watched there was not any development going on, it was all effort ,kick and run. I did not see a single player that was at least trying to use the correct ,mechanics to kick the soccer ball. A lot of toe kicking and hard leg swings, I say again no tecknique.

I will continue to spread this reality, if your young player does not learn the correct technique's all the athletic ability and effort will not allow them to reach full potential. I add this not only will they not reach full potential, they will not be able to compete with those players who have mastered those skills. All I can do is give you parents and coaches the information. In my introduction to kicking techniques for coaches and parents, I will give you the correct information so you  can have a sound foundation to stay on the right path. 

I am offering a Kicking clinic for coaches and players. Each player will receive a specially designed Kick Training ball. This clinic will only be offered while supply lsat. I say again, Learn the correct techniques or get left behind.

Locations to be arranged.
Novissoccer is based in Sacramento California. Club Clinics can be arranged out of state under certain conditions.

Call 916 418 4444 to set up clinic.

My Resume

I have learned my trade, I have studied my craft, and I know what I speak. This picture is of my trophy wall. I show this as a history of my soccer career both as a player and coach. Around one hundred and fifty at a guess. Knowledge is the key to success, and as I learned from others I pass this knowledge forward.  Whether as a parent coach or interested party, sports can unite us all in a common interest. Be successful by being informed.


Home: About Me

If you have questions about the youth soccer adventure then this book is for you.

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(1)Passion is the only reason to play and coach.

(2) Be Realistic, Informed, and positive. Be prepared to have honest evaluations either as a player or coach.

(3) Learn the difference between opinion and the rules of the game.

(4) You cant cheat the structures of development by bypassing basic fundamental training.

(5) Soccer programs, good or bad.

(6) The Coach.

(7) Soccer programs vary, so do your homework. (8) General guidelines for development.

(9) Summary of facts. 

(10) Coaches a personal note from me to you.


Novissoccer Clinics

Novissoccer specializes in skill driven clinics. The individual skill level within a team is the determining factor to a team's success. Novissoccer specializes in evaluations and the transfers of those evaluation into specific training drills that target team and individual needs. Quantity is not the path to success, Knowledge and quality training is the only path to reach one's full potential.

Cost of clinics vary with need and numbers. Call or e-mail for an estimate. 


Correct kicking Techniques

I find it amazing how after decades of soccer advancements, so many players don't know how to kick a soccer ball correctly or even efficiently. By efficiently I mean maximizing leg strength and being able to decide the right kick for the right situation. Even at the college level I observe many players unable to strike the ball correctly. Correct techniques can only be taught by a person who understands those techniques. Just swinging your foot at the ball is not the answer. For a limited time only while supplies last., Novissoccer will offer a 2-hour training session teaching the correct way to strike a soccer ball. This class will not only benefit players of all ages but also coaches who wish to give their players productive information.

Team Clinic up to 18 players. 



Individual Skill Development

Individual skill development relies on the correct evaluation of a player. Not all players are created equally when it comes to mechanics. Trying to teach a player to emulate an individual skill of another will on most occasions end in frustration and failure. Each player within a team structure has a unique ability. Identifying and developing that unique ability is the best pathway for maximizing one's potential. Novissoccer has trained players of all ages and all levels. The maximization of individual ability is the determining factor in how far a player may progress. Maximizing one's potential is the definition of success. Pushing toward an unattainable level is the definition of failure.

Individual skill drills work better in small groups. 



Youth Soccer Handbook a platform for success

Over my 50-plus years of playing/coaching there is not much I have not seen. So much success, yet so much destruction. So much happiness yet so much disappointment. This is what the passion of sports brings us. I have seen families and friends' bond over this sport I love, however I have seen families and friendships fractured by this sport I love. I wrote Youth soccer handbook a platform for success because I want to offer sound honest information to all who want to get the most out of their soccer experiences. This book is an information tool designed to help guide you through the highs and lows, the truths and misinformation, the positives and negatives that engulf the soccer experience.  Information is the key to staying on the path to success, so be informed. This book was written for you.

Please contact if you have any questions regarding training. We will get back to as fast as possible if you leave a message.

916 418 4444

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